Conserving Energy When You Use Refrigeration Units

Posted on: 26 May 2017

Commercial refrigerators are a major part of many businesses. However, commercial refrigerators can also be among the greatest sources of energy consumption. There are many actions that your business can take to reduce the amount of energy that your commercial refrigerators consume. 

Use Anti-Sweat Heaters Carefully

Anti-sweat heaters are essential to prevent condensation from forming on your doors, which allows for the product to still be visible and to prevent the formation of mold. However, do not turn on anti-sweat heaters until condensation occurs on the display doors. Install adaptive controls that will allow for the device to turn on and off when necessary. 

Install Night Curtains

Place night curtains on open cases. These will prevent the refrigerated air from escaping, which will reduce the amount of energy that the refrigeration units must use. Because the temperature remains more consistent, the food will be in a better condition and have a better consistency. The curtain must be made from a material that fully blocks light in order to be effective.

Inspect Gaskets And Auto-Closers

Make sure that the gaskets and auto-closers are always in good condition, since they tend to wear out overtime. If you notice that they are damaged, replace them. These ensure that cold air does not escape from the refrigeration unit. If they are not functioning properly, not only will your refrigeration unit work harder, but you will likely have spoiled food. 

Install Motion Sensors

Place motion sensors in your refrigerated units. These will cause the lights to only turn on when there is motion within the unit, which will conserve electricity and will also reduce the amount of heat that is generated in the unit. The motion sensors also make your walk in freezers much more convenient.

Keep The Unit Clean

Always keep the refrigeration unit as clean and dust-free as possible. This will allow for there to be an adequate circulation of air. Before you begin cleaning the unit, make sure to unplug it. Remove all the items from the shelf and toss all of the expired items. Wipe down the interior with a microfiber cloth. Microfiber mittens make this process easier. Most importantly, use a vacuum to clean the condenser coils in order to make them more efficient. All of this work must be performed once a day, but if the work is performed diligently, your commercial refrigeration units will be more efficient and will also last longer.

For more information, contact a company like Hy-Point Restaurant Equipment & Supplies Inc.
