Things To Assess Before You Extend Your Establishment's Happy Hour

Posted on: 5 October 2018

As its name indicates, a happy hour in the restaurant business often lasts 60 minutes. As the restaurant owner, this period of time gives you a chance to hopefully entice more patrons through offers of discounted drinks and food. Not all establishments that have happy hours stick to just 60 minutes, though. Many extend their happy hour to two or even three hours, which can often be a smart business decision. [Read More]

Trying To Plan A Birthday Party For A Drinker? Find A Distillery And Follow These Tips

Posted on: 16 July 2018

When it comes to celebrating a birthday for adults, it can be hard to keep things fun without having to go overboard. If you are celebrating the birthday of someone who loves to have fun drinking alcohol, wine or spirits of any kind, a great way to host a birthday celebration is to find a local venue that can be casual but still delicious and fun. Here are some of the tips to follow when trying to find a location that everyone will like. [Read More]

Give Your Spouse A Break After A Long Day Of Work

Posted on: 17 April 2018

If your spouse works hard each day, just to come home and turn their attention to preparing a home-cooked meal and tidying up around the house, you may be in awe of the sacrifices that your loved one makes just to keep your household afloat. Treat your partner to a delicious meal that includes some of their favorite types of pizza. Afterward, welcome your spouse to sit down with you to watch a movie that they have been anxious to see. [Read More]

Four Super-Unique Milkshake Recipes Your Customers Will Love

Posted on: 20 December 2017

If you have a milkshake wand in your restaurant, then you need to make the most of it! Customers love milkshakes, and if you offer something other than the typical chocolate and vanilla, they will flock for miles to try your unique creations. Here are four truly unique milkshake recipes to experiment with and add to your menu. "Hot" Chocolate Milkshake You've probably heard of mole sauce, the spicy chocolate sauce that's popular in Mexico. [Read More]